Touched Mode On

2 nop 2008 00.02
Touched Mode On

I just finished blogwalking tonight. And find out a posting that enough make me feeling sadly deeply... enough for me to cry heavy. How can? because there is still a love in my heart. Yeah, short simple posting 'could it be worse?' have make me touched tonight, here you can read the posting by visit his blog. His posting is realy realy touchy.

'Love, something that no always to think hardly, but feel it softly, lets its fulled your heart.'

Sometimes love can make us happy, othertime sad, hurt, tight.. But somehow love can make us still alive. Love is something... CONFUSED! But lets spread it around of you, share and feel each one and the other, including me... Take care, u and all....



LOL, you're helping me with the traffic thing on my blog :P

thanx for the comment :)

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