Con Te Partiro

Con Te Partiro [Time to say good bye] is the song i like verry much now. More than 10 times a days i heard this song. GREAT! I Love Andrea Bocelli [Feat Sarah Brightman]. I Like your voice absolutly. This song for the first time i heard at ISO Concert several days before. This song is the additional performed from ISO feat. Sopranist [Lya Alathas] feat. Tenorist [Restu Sandika Kamaruddin]. Althoug i dont know what the meaning this song absolutly, but when i play this song on my New Version Winamp, i always felt GREAT! Bocelli I love you so much! Xixixixi... And finally i find this song at You tube here, when Andrea Bocelli sing "Con Te Partiro" Live on the Stage on Tuscany. He's Amazing!


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