Almost in Front of my Gadget

All day just siting in front of the one gadget that i have in office, My computer. I like browsing very much. But no to much, days without joke like soup without salt. hi hi hi.... :)

Yups! Almost whole day my act just only in front of my gadget, Computer. No more i did there. Just sitting, writing, checking data base, entry data, browsing, sometime chatting with my old friends, reading, and it's almost do whole of the day. How can i didn't bored. Huh! But It's Ok! I get more insight today. One of them was i get more tips to increase my language skill especially my English skill. Do you know how much the number of tips? Surprise me, 70 ways!

And do you know what the first? Start your own English language blog to improve our English. So Let's go head for Blogging. Go Blog! Go Blog! Go Blog!

Want to say thank a lot for my Gadget, Old Computer. And also i want to say thank you very much for your sharing, Chess.


Ches said...

It's very GREAT what you have done. Nothing I can say but thank you very much for it. Now what should I do?
For this time the only words I just can do, next more than it, as you know, I almost have no time to write anything at this moment. I am so busy.

koekoeh gesang said...

To much looking at the monitor for hours is not good for your eyes. The doctor said so ^^!

Reanaclaire said...

hi..u r like me.. fren said i am poisoned with blog..and obsessed.. so now i know i m not alone...haha.. good good...

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