Breaking Fasting With Sushi

This afternoon, i was breaking my fasting with my bestfriend at Sushi Tei, Japan restaurant at Senayan City. Over all i like the place. Great as like Plaza Senayan. Although Plaza Senayan is a bit sophisticated [ever said before in the older posting]. Yeah! Always... hi hi hi...

We booked first, before eating there. Yeah, more people want to get breaking fasting there. Must be line. So waiting is so bored. But for us isn't! We get night pray [Magrib] first.

Anything ready. Unexpect that i like very much Sushi. How can i get more plate of sushi? More that 10 plates may be. Hm, Yummy... I like very much Unagi... [forget what the name is that?], Salmon Salad, Occha Ice Cream, and the other [forget the name of it all]. I like very much. It's give me new atmosphere of my breaking fasting. Sushi, I like very much.


zchelle said...

i love sushi too... ^_^

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