Packing In the Last of Sunday

No more activity today. Just sleeping, reading a novel [3 colours], chatting, browsing, playing keyboard with the classic tuts. Ya ya ya... [meaning i am happy]. But, Just a bit that make me annoyed, my cold! But it's oke, may be it just temporary body response to the change of weather. Wish me get better soon. Amen.

And now, i am listening more than song that i love very much. Song of Amy Winehouse, Jason Mraz, Michael Buble, Norah Jones, Alicia Keys, Daniel Bedingfield, Afgan [the new Indonesia Singer], James Blunt, Keith Martin, etc. I like very much listening music. Life without music as like no live. Hi Hi Hi...

And, the last must be done is packing. Ya ya ya, packing in the last of Sunday. Ha ha ha. Preparing for tomorrow to go to the abroad city for 3 days. Yeah, may be it's not good situation for me because i have cold several days before, until now of course. Hm,,,

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